The concept of Mechanical Resonance is fundamental when we speak about engineering, especially in the field of structures and mechanics. It's a phenomenon regarding the dynamic behaviour of a system (whatever you can think about). What do we mean by "dynamic behaviour"? Simply, dynamic is what moves, the contrary of static, that is, standing, not moving. From a mathematical and physical point of view, a dynamic phenomenon changes during time, i.e, is described by equations in which time is a variable; instead, a static phenomenon doesn’t depend on time, is described by equations in which time doesn’t appear as a variable. If we take some pictures of a static phenomenon during the time, the pictures are all the same, nothing changed during the time. In reality, every system, although it seems to be static, it moves. Let consider, for example, a house: from a macroscopic point of view, a house is static, but in reality, its structure is continuously subjected to ...