computer machine learning

The Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

The impact of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing is huge.

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing allows optimizing the public who will see products and services that a vendor wants to sell. It allows contents and advertisements to reach a potential buyer in a very targeted way. In particular, we are talking about Machine Learning, the branch of Artificial Intelligence whose algorithms are based on possessing a sufficient (usually big... so big!) amount of data. 

As we know, all Internet services like Google, Facebook Ads and so on have a big database in which navigation data about every person that signed up are contained. All this data give the possibility to the algorithms to target a specific potential buyer.

In this article I will give a general and simple idea of how Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing works, explaining why understanding it could be really helpful to take better decisions for Marketing purpose, increasing the performances.

Let make an example that will clarify how Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing works.

Example of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Let's suppose that we want to sell a basketball and promote this product through a paid advertisement service like Facebook Ads. What Facebook will do? Firstly, it will analyze the product and in particular its description and the keywords inside it. Once the words inside the description of the product are analyzed, it starts to analyze all the users' profiles, finding out which are the interests of each person. Facebook has data regarding more than one billion people.

Once Facebook Ads identifies a profile that takes a lot of time watching videos on basketball, reading articles about it or anything showing that this person is interested in basketball, Facebook will understand that this person is a potential buyer. In other words, the Facebook Ads algorithm compares the words of the searches of each user with the words inside the product description. If the words are similar, this means that the user searched for basketball and so, probably, basketball is of interest for that user.

This operation is made iteratively. In the end, the users whose searches better fit the words contained in the product description are selected. These are the users with the highest probability of buying the basketball. A banner of the basketball advertisement will be shown to them.

This is the idea of how Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing works.

Be careful: this is not a privacy violation, since once we subscribed to a social network or to Google, we agree to use our data for marketing purpose. Of course, only navigation data are used and not more personal information. I, Internet, give you, user, a free service but in exchange for this, you give me your navigation data so that I can optimize the public for vendors advertisements for which they pay me.

Knowing the basis of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

A vendor who wants to obtain the best results taking advantage of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing has to provide to the algorithm (Google, Facebook or what else) the information in a really precise way, to make the algorithm life simpler. The comprehension of these algorithms and the knowledge of programming languages such as HTML allow optimizing the information arrangement inside the product or service description.

Experiment to test Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

You can try an experiment: if you make many searches about something, for example, dogs food, at some point, you will see somewhere on the Internet (YouTube, Google or else) advertisements with dogs food will start to appear.

With this experiment you’ll better figure out what is written in this article, understanding that knowing the basic working principle of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing can be really useful.

